Tuesday, 12 January 2016

DBMS Lab Assignment 2
Question No:-2

2. Consider the following schema and operate the queries

---------/*Student(Stud_Member table creation*/------------
create table Student
-> (
-> Roll_No int not null primary key,
-> Fname varchar(255) not null,
-> Mname varchar(255) not null,
-> Sname varchar(255) not null,
-> Dept_Id int,
-> Semester int not null,
-> Contact_No int not null,
-> Gender varchar(10) not null
-> );
Table schema looks like:----
Used Command:--->desc Student;
| Field      | Type         | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
| Roll_No    | int(11)      | NO   | PRI | NULL    |       |
| Fname      | varchar(255) | NO   |     | NULL    |       |
| Mname      | varchar(255) | NO   |     | NULL    |       |
| Sname      | varchar(255) | NO   |     | NULL    |       |
| Dept_Id    | int(11)      | NO   | MUL | NULL    |       |
| Semester   | int(11)      | NO   |     | NULL    |       |
| Contact_No | int(11)      | NO   |     | NULL    |       |
| Gender     | varchar(10)  | NO   |     | NULL    |       |

-------------------/*Department Table Creation */---------------------------
create table Department
-> (
-> Dept_Id int not null primary key,
-> Dept_Name varchar(255) not null
-> );

Table Schema looks like:--->
Use Command:-->desc Department;
| Field     | Type         | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
| Dept_Id   | int(11)      | NO   | PRI | NULL    |       |
| Dept_Name | varchar(255) | NO   |     | NULL    |       |

/* For setting foreign key as Dept_Id */
alter table Student add foreign key(Dept_Id) references Department(Dept_Id);

/*Trying inserting some data to Student but getting error because if a particular Dept_id
not present in Department table then that Department Id can not be in Student table*/
/* So firstly insert the values in Department table */
insert into Department values(1,'Information Technology'),
-> (2,'Electrical'),
-> (3,'Civil'),
-> (4,'Mechanical'),
-> (5,'Chemical');
/*Table will be look like as per Question so make that table(Department) as it is */
/*Now inserting values in Student table*/

insert into Student values(1,'Ankur','Samir','Kahar',1,1,272121,'Male');
insert into Student values(2,'Dhaval','Dhiren','Joshi',1,1,232122,'Male'),
-> (3,'Ankita','Biren','Shah',1,1,112121,'Female');
insert into Student values(10,'Komal','Maheshkumar','Pandya',2,3,123123,'Female');
insert into Student values(13,'Amit','Jitenkumar','Mehta',3,3,453667,'Male');
insert into Student values(23,'Jinal','Ashish','Gandhi',2,1,323232,'Male');
insert into Student values(22,'Ganesh','Asha','Patel',2,3,124244,'Male');
insert into Student values(4,'Shweta','Mihir','Patel',3,1,646342,'Female');
insert into Student values(7,'Pooja','Mayank','Desai',3,3,328656,'Female');
insert into Student values(8,'Komal','Krishnaraj','Bhatia',2,3,257422,'Female');
insert into Student values(43,'Kiran','Viraj','Shah',1,1,754124,'Female');

/*Now table will look like as per in question ascending order according to Roll_No*/


Q1.Display the names and contact numbers of all student members.
--->select Fname,Mname,Sname from Student;
| Fname | Mname | Sname |
| Ankur | Samir | Kahar |
| Dhaval | Dhiren | Joshi |
| Ankita | Biren | Shah |
| Shweta | Mihir | Patel |
| Pooja | Mayank | Desai |
| Komal | Krishnaraj | Bhatia |
| Komal | Maheshkumar | Pandya |
| Amit | Jitenkumar | Mehta |
| Ganesh | Asha | Patel |
| Jinal | Ashish | Gandhi |
| Kiran | Viraj | Shah |

Q2.Give the names and roll no of all students of IT who are members.
--->select distinct Roll_No,S.Fname,S.Mname,S.Sname from Student S,Department D where S.Dept_Id=(select D.Dept_Id from Department D where D.Dept_Name='Information Technology');
| Roll_No | Fname | Mname | Sname |
| 1 | Ankur | Samir | Kahar |
| 2 | Dhaval | Dhiren | Joshi |
| 3 | Ankita | Biren | Shah |
| 43 | Kiran | Viraj | Shah |

Q3.Display name of Departments whose students are members.
--->select distinct Dept_Name from Department D,Student S where D.Dept_id=S.Dept_Id;
| Dept_Name |
| Information Technology |
| Electrical |
| Civil |

Q4.Display names of Department for which no student are members
-->select distinct D.Dept_Name from Department D where D.Dept_Name not in(select distinct D.Dept_Name from Department D ,Student S where S.Dept_Id=D.Dept_Id);
| Dept_Name |
| Mechanical |
| Chemical |

Q5.Display name of all Departments.
-->select Dept_Name from Department;
| Dept_Name |
| Information Technology |
| Electrical |
| Civil |
| Mechanical |
| Chemical |

Q6.Find the no of students of EE who are members.
--->select count(distinct Roll_No) as Total_No from Student S,Department D where S.Dept_Id=(select D.Dept_Id from Department D where D.Dept_Name='Electrical');
-->select count(Roll_No) from Student S,Department D where S.Dept_Id=D.Dept_Id and D.Dept_Name='Electrical';
| Total_No |
| 4 |

Q7.Display Information of student mem. Whose name begins with the letter A.
--> select * from Student where Fname like "A%";
| Roll_No | Fname | Mname | Sname | Dept_Id | Semester | Contact_No | Gender |
| 1 | Ankur | Samir | Kahar | 1 | 1 | 272121 | Male |
| 3 | Ankita | Biren | Shah | 1 | 1 | 112121 | Female |
| 13 | Amit | Jitenkumar | Mehta | 3 | 3 | 453667 | Male |
Q8.Display all details of male members only.
-->select * from Student where Gender='Male';
| Roll_No | Fname | Mname | Sname | Dept_Id | Semester | Contact_No | Gender |
| 1 | Ankur | Samir | Kahar | 1 | 1 | 272121 | Male |
| 2 | Dhaval | Dhiren | Joshi | 1 | 1 | 232122 | Male |
| 13 | Amit | Jitenkumar | Mehta | 3 | 3 | 453667 | Male |
| 22 | Ganesh | Asha | Patel | 2 | 3 | 124244 | Male |
| 23 | Jinal | Ashish | Gandhi | 2 | 1 | 323232 | Male |

Q9.Display data of students who are currently in semester 3.
---> select *from Student where Semester=3;
| Roll_No | Fname | Mname | Sname | Dept_Id | Semester | Contact_No | Gender |
| 7 | Pooja | Mayank | Desai | 3 | 3 | 328656 | Female |
| 8 | Komal | Krishnaraj | Bhatia | 2 | 3 | 257422 | Female |
| 10 | Komal | Maheshkumar | Pandya | 2 | 3 | 123123 | Female |
| 13 | Amit | Jitenkumar | Mehta | 3 | 3 | 453667 | Male |
| 22 | Ganesh | Asha | Patel | 2 | 3 | 124244 | Male |

Q10.Display data of student female member in alphbetical order.
--->select * from Student where Gender='Female' order by Fname,Mname,Sname;
| Roll_No | Fname | Mname | Sname | Dept_Id | Semester | Contact_No | Gender |
| 3 | Ankita | Biren | Shah | 1 | 1 | 112121 | Female |
| 43 | Kiran | Viraj | Shah | 1 | 1 | 754124 | Female |
| 8 | Komal | Krishnaraj | Bhatia | 2 | 3 | 257422 | Female |
| 10 | Komal | Maheshkumar | Pandya | 2 | 3 | 123123 | Female |
| 7 | Pooja | Mayank | Desai | 3 | 3 | 328656 | Female |
| 4 | Shweta | Mihir | Patel | 3 | 1 | 646342 | Female |

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